Juvéderm Volbella®

Juvéderm Volbella® is an injectable gel used for lip augmentation and the correction of perioral rhytids, the lines that develop around the lips, in patients 21 or older.

Volbella® is formulated with Vycross®, a filler technology that blends different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid (HA). With this unique formula, a lower HA concentration leads to natural non-drastic results while still preserving the long lasting results of a Juvéderm® product. Hyaluronic acid is one of the skin’s naturally occurring produced substances that provides structure and helps the skin retain its natural moisture and softness.

During the treatment, Dr. Haven will inject small amounts of Juvéderm Volbella® into the treatment area until your desired aesthetic outcome is achieved. To ensure the product integrates in the skin and is evenly distributed, Dr. Haven may massage the treatment area. Because the Volbella® gel contains lidocaine, most patients do not find the procedure painful. After treatment, side effects may include tenderness, bruising, swelling, firmness and lumps/bumps, these usually last less than two weeks. Results from the treatment have been reported to last up to a year. 

Juvéderm Volbella® Treatment Results

 Before After
Juvederm Volbella Before and After Greenwich, CT
 Before After

*Results may vary for each patient.